What is it? Oktoberfest was established in 1810, with the marriage of King Ludwig I of Bavaria and his bride, Princess Theresia. The event was particularly unusual because the king invited the public to attend his wedding. The marriage has been celebrated every year in Bavaria ever since and today it is celebrated all over …
Ahh that time again! No trip planned this time but feel free to let us know how it goes for you all! Sept. 22nd through Oct. 10th Not certain how this is so news worthy, but apparently this chick was “banned” from attending this years Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany. Apparently, the locals felt that her …
Seeing as how I didn’t make the rounds for the trip I’m recaping the trip via the photos taken through the camera eyes: The rest of the Berlin trip gallery
We are headed to Munich next month, for what many beer drinkers consider their Mecca – Oktoberfest! This year the event is September 16 – October 3. We didn’t put together a public package for this but if there’s enough interest this year and through out, we could put something together for next year – …