
New York pub crawls: Because your regular drinking dens are like following the spin-dry cycle

Pickle and Beer Tasting in Brooklyn

Rick Field from Rick’s Picks will be at Beer Table in Brooklyn to share and talk about his pickle. They’ll be pairing beers alongside the vinegary treats as Rick tells the tales of his business. Tickets are $35.00 on Monday, November 16th, 7:00-8:30pm. Check out Beer Table for other up coming events and beer pairings. …

Fall Fest – Alphabet City Pub Crawl Oct 10th

Not only a big college football day, but we also have FIFA World Cup qualifiers for both England (10 am EST) and USA (12 pm EST), so it’s going to be a LONG day for the hard core. Contact us if you’d like to join for either match before the crawl starts up at 2 …

Fall Fest Crawl Announced

Details to be added 1 week before event. We’ll be touring Alphabet City, North to South and ending near LES this round.

Bud Light Lime offers Can Confessions

I just returned from a solid weekend at Lake George, and a cooler of this Bud Light flavor beer was on hand. I’m proud to say that it was the last to go (by default there was nothing else left). Here’s their latest marketing ad: Sorry guys, I prefer bottles with models to the can…

Mexican dealers in Utah force feed you beer

Well, not until they bag you, toss you into a pick up truck and beat you with a wire hanger… Here’s a typical Fox News report.

Proper Dutch advertising fixes German’s original

If you’ve ever watched the ol tele, you’ve probably seen this Heineken commercial: Here’s the improved version by Bavaria:

Patrons of Beer on the Wye, Drink the event dry!

This type of article provides joy and pain all in one. Pain for those that paid to attend a festival highlighting real Ale for drink, but joy for the fantastic response from people that want to drink said suds, and drink through the supply early surpassing expectations for the organizers. Here’s to the lads of …

USA Defends strong against Spain in upset 2-0 in FIFA Semi’s

Huge!!!! USA Soccer is on a high right now after taking out Spain in the Confederations cup in South Africa, with a 2-0 shut out of the worlds #1 ranked team, Spain. Jozy Altidore is impressive at 19 and if he stays strong with the US team, he could help push us to be a …

How’s ya Fatha?

The next day after a pubcrawl you have two options, Sunday afternoon 80’s movies suffering on the couch, or get out and forget the hangover. I usually recommend either a greasy brunch or what I did today, get down to some pho and soda xi muoi. The crawl was as successful we could hope for …